of Critical Damping
Factors that
affects the damping coefficient b includes the drag in the
oscillating spring-mass system that takes energy out of the system
as heat loss etc.
therefore, the
higher the viscosity of the medium the system is in, the greater
the drag coefficient b.
Car suspension
The spring of a car’s suspension is critically
damped so that when a car goes over a bump, the
passenger in the car quickly and smoothly
regains equilibrium.

the picture shows no damping case b = 0

the picture shows light damping case b =

the picture shows critically damping
case b = 2.0
However, car suspensions are often
adjusted to slightly under critical damped condition to give a
more comfortable ride. Critical damping also leaves the car ready
to respond to further bumps in the road quickly.

the picture shows heavy damping case b =